Maura Pintor - Assistant Professor @ University of Cagliari and Collaborator @ Pluribus One.

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Last update: Mar. 7th 2024

Education and Research

Work experience



Teaching Assistant



Stateful Detection of Adversarial Reprogramming

Yang Zheng, Xiaoyi Feng, Zhaoqiang Xia, Xiaoyue Jiang, Maura Pintor, Ambra Demontis, Battista Biggio, Fabio Roli, "Stateful Detection of Adversarial Reprogramming." Information Sciences, 2023.

The threat of offensive ai to organizations

Yisroel Mirsky, Ambra Demontis, Jaidip Kotak, Ram Shankar, Deng Gelei, Liu Yang, Xiangyu Zhang, Maura Pintor, Wenke Lee, Yuval Elovici, Battista Biggio, "The threat of offensive ai to organizations." Computers & Security, 2022.

Robust Machine Learning for Malware Detection over Time

Daniele Angioni, Luca Demetrio, Maura Pintor, Battista Biggio, "Robust Machine Learning for Malware Detection over Time." In the proceedings of Proceedings of the Italian Conference on Cybersecurity (ITASEC 2022), Rome, Italy, June 20-23, 2022, 2022.

Explaining Machine Learning DGA Detectors from DNS Traffic Data

Giorgio Piras, Maura Pintor, Luca Demetrio, Battista Biggio, "Explaining Machine Learning DGA Detectors from DNS Traffic Data." In the proceedings of Proceedings of the Italian Conference on Cybersecurity (ITASEC 2022), Rome, Italy, June 20-23, 2022, 2022.

Task-Specific Automation in Deep Learning Processes

Georg Buchgeher, Gerald Czech, Adriano Ribeiro, Werner Kloihofer, Paolo Meloni, Paola Busia, Gianfranco Deriu, Maura Pintor, Battista Biggio, Cristina Chesta, Luca Rinelli, David Solans, Manuel Portela, "Task-Specific Automation in Deep Learning Processes." In the proceedings of Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2021 Workshops, 2021.

Slope: A First-order Approach for Measuring Gradient Obfuscation

Maura Pintor, Luca Demetrio, Giovanni Manca, Battista Biggio, Fabio Roli, "Slope: A First-order Approach for Measuring Gradient Obfuscation." In the proceedings of ESANN 2021 - European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, 2021.

Optimization and Deployment of CNNs at the Edge: The ALOHA Experience

Paolo Meloni, Daniela Loi, Paola Busia, Gianfranco Deriu, Andy Pimentel, Dolly Sapra, Todor Stefanov, Svetlana Minakova, Francesco Conti, Luca Benini, Maura Pintor, Battista Biggio, Bernhard Moser, Natalia Shepeleva, Nikos Fragoulis, Ilias Theodorakopoulos, Michael Masin, Francesca Palumbo, "Optimization and Deployment of CNNs at the Edge: The ALOHA Experience." In the proceedings of Proceedings of the 16th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, 2019.

Be Right Beach: A Social IoT system for sustainable tourism based on beach overcrowding avoidance

Roberto Girau, Enrico Ferrara, Maura Pintor, Mariella Sole, Daniele Giusto, "Be Right Beach: A Social IoT system for sustainable tourism based on beach overcrowding avoidance." In the proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData), 2018.

Architecture-aware design and implementation of CNN algorithms for embedded inference: the ALOHA project

Paolo Meloni, Daniela Loi, Gianfranco Deriu, Andy Pimentel, Dolly Sapra, Maura Pintor, Battista Biggio, Oscar Ripolles, David Solans, Francesco Conti, Luca Benini, Todor Stefanov, Svetlana Minakova, Bernhard Moser, Natalia Shepeleva, Michael Masin, Francesca Palumbo, Nikos Fragoulis, Ilias Theodorakopoulos, "Architecture-aware design and implementation of CNN algorithms for embedded inference: the ALOHA project." In the proceedings of 2018 30th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), 2018.

ALOHA: An Architectural-Aware Framework for Deep Learning at the Edge

P. Meloni, D. Loi, G. Deriu, A. Pimentel, D. Sapra, B. Moser, N. Shepeleva, F. Conti, L. Benini, O. Ripolles, D. Solans, Maura Pintor, B. Biggio, T. Stefanov, S. Minakova, N. Fragoulis, I. Theodorakopoulos, M. Masin, F. Palumbo, "ALOHA: An Architectural-Aware Framework for Deep Learning at the Edge." In the proceedings of Proceedings of the Workshop on INTelligent Embedded Systems Architectures and Applications, 2018.

Awards and accomplishments

Other Activities

Conference and Workshop Chair

Associate Editor





Talks and Posters

Summer Schools (as a student)


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